Medical Attributes of Eupatorium perfoliatum - Boneset
By Georgina Robinson, George Agurkis, Anthony Scerbo
Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA
July, 2007
Eupatorium perfoliatum,
commonly known as boneset, is a member of the Asteraceae (aster
family). Plants of this species are hairy perennial herbs with
yellowish-white flowers and opposite leaves joined at the base
(Culbreth 1927). They are common to swamps, meadows, and embankments in
eastern United States extending from Nova Scotia to Florida, inland to
the Dakotas and Texas (Kartesz 2007).
Boneset, also known as Thoroughwort, Agueweed, Indian Sage, and
Feverwort, has historically been known for its role as a folk remedy.
Boneset was used by Native Americans to treat a variety of ailments
including sore throat, fever, chills, irregular menstrual cycle,
epilepsy, gonorrhea, kidney trouble, and to induce vomiting, to cure
snakebites, to expel worms (Innvista 2007), and to treat colds and flu,
especially in the eastern United States (Klenner 1971, Innvista
2007). Usually, a tea with a very bitter taste would be made from
the Eupatorium perfoliatum.
When consumed the results were an overnight cure of the disease.
Farmers commonly had a supply of dried boneset on hand
in order to treat their cold or flu (Klenner 1971). Boneset is
said to be antiviral, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, a sweat
promoter, a febrifuge, a decongestant, a mild laxative, a mucous
membrane tonic, an immunostimulant, a smooth muscle relaxant,
anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, a mild emetic, a peripheral circulatory
stimulant, and a gastric bitter (Innvista 2007).
The source of the common name of boneset is not clear. One proposition
is that dengue fever (a mosquito-transmitted viral infection marked by
muscle and bone pain), formally known as breakbone fever, was relieved
by boneset (Innvista 2007). Another suggests that boneset is used
by indigenous people to heal broken bones (Innvista 2007). In the early
years of medicine, Eupatorium
perfoliatum was placed on bandages of broken bones. The
rationale behind this therapy was one of Doctrine of Signatures.
The users believed that the jointed appearance of the leaves was an
indication that this plant healed broken bones (Connecticut Botanical
Society 2005). Boneset has also been shown to help treat wounds,
cuts and other skin problems (Dweck 1997).
The key therapeutic components include polysaccharides, flavonoids,
diterpenes, sterols, volatile oils, sesquiterpene lactones including
eupafolin, and vitamins and minerals including magnesium, calcium,
niacin, and phosphorus (Innvista 2007). Potential adverse
reactions to Boneset can comprise of allergic reaction, diarrhea,
hepatotoxicity, and vomiting (Johnson 2002).
Despite the historical use of boneset as a cure-all drug, research in
the efficacy of the extracts is lacking. Scientific research has
shown that in fact boneset does have an effect on treating the flu and
common cold (Klenner 1971). Abascal & Yarnall 2006 in a review
noted that a group of individuals exposed to the 1918 influenza
pandemic were treated with herbal medicines including boneset. This
alternative medication was extremely successful in treating influenza
and alleviated the painful symptoms of the influenza and prevented
pulmonary complications and death. Research reported a 0.6%
fatality rate with the usage of the herbal treatment compared to a 3%
rate that the influenza claimed without the treatment. The
research even showed the properties of counteracting cytokine
dysregulation caused by severe cases of the disease (Abascal &
Yarnall 2006).
A second study treated 53 outpatients with either aspirin or Eupatorium perfoliatum D2 for the
common cold. The results demonstrated that both aspirin and Eupatorium perfoliatum were equally
effective in reducing the symptoms of the common cold (Gassinger 1981).
A third study isolated polysaccharide fractions from the alkaline
–water extracts of boneset and several other plants. Results
determined immunostimulating activity from the fractions, which helps
in fighting infections such as the common cold and flu (Wagner 1985).
In 1978, a United States patent was filed for work done with Eupatorium perfoliatum on dogs with
arthritic conditions. According to the patent record, Eupatorium perfoliatum along with a
special mixture of plants, including nettle and broom tops, was shown
to treat the ailment (Spies 1978). However, no studies were found about
human trials of this combination therapy.
Recent studies using a homeopathic approach showed that
malaria-infested mice fed Eupatorium
perfoliatum extracts demonstrated a significant decrease in
rates of Plasmodium parasite
multiplication. This study was not able to find a mechanism of action,
but the authors did conclude that Eupatorium
perfoliatum might be a good candidate for alternative or
complementary medication (Lira-Salazar et. al. 2006).
Other studies have shown that the sesquiterpene lactones isolated from Eupatorium perfoliatum have
cytotoxic and anti-tumor properties (Herz et al. 1977). One study
found an extract of Eupatorium
perfoliatum to have high cytotoxic effects, similar to a
standard cytotoxic agent, chlorambucil. The extract also showed
weak antibacterial activity against gram-positive test organisms
(Habtemariam & Macpherson 2000). Another study measured the
cytokine levels in stimulated white blood cells from 23 tumor
patients. The patients underwent a 4-week oral treatment with
spagyric extract from Eupatorium
perfoliatum, Echinacea
angustifolia, and Thuja
occidentalis. After therapy with the complex, no
significant alteration in production of cytokines could be found in
comparison with controls. The complex had no detectable effect on
lymphocyte activity and was deemed a non effective treatment at that
application and dosage (Elsasser-Beile et al. 1996). More
research should be conducted regarding Eupatorium perfoliatum’s anti-tumor
and cytotoxic properties.
In conclusion, the scant research conducted to date suggest that
boneset may have many beneficial effects such as fighting off cold and
flu, treating malaria, boosting the immune system, and may have some
effect on reducing tumors. However, more research must be
completed in order to determine the mechanism by which these beneficial
effects occur. In doing so we could greatly improve the treatment
of many infectious diseases. The use of boneset in modern day medicine,
specifically in the areas of skin, bones, malaria, cold and flu, and
tumors shows promise. However, research allowing one to draw a
solid conclusion regarding its efficacy is still lacking.
Abascal, K. & E. Yarnell. 2006. Herbal treatments for pandemic
influenza: Learning from the Eclectics experience. Alternative and Complementary Therapies.
12(5): 214-221.
Connecticut Botanical Society. 2005. Connecticut Wildflowers: Boneset.
Culbreth, D.M.R. 1927. A Manual of Material Medica and
Dweck, A.C. 1997. Skin Treatment with Plants of the Americas. Cosmetics & Toiletries. 112:
57-48, 50, 52-56, 59-60, 63-64, 66.
Elsasser-Beile, U., W. Willenbacher, H.H. Bartsch, H. Gallati, J.
Schulte Monting, and S. von Kleist. Cytokine production in
leukocyte cultures during therapy with Echinacea extract. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis.
10(6): 441-445.
Gassinger, C.A., G. Wiinstel, and P. Netter. 1981. A controlled
clinical trial for testing the efficacy of the homeopathic drug Eupatorium perfoliatum D2 in the
treatment of common cold. Arzneimittelforschung
31(4): 732-736.
Habtemariam, S. & A.M. Macpherson. 2000. Cytotoxicity and
antibacterial activity of ethanol extract from leaves of a herbal drug,
boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum).
Phytotherapy Research.
14(7): 575-577.
Herz, W., P.S. Kalyanaraman, G. Ramakrishnan, and J.F. Blount. 1977.
Sesquiterpene lactones of Eupatorium
perfoliatum. Journal of
Organic Chemistry. 42(13) 2264-2271. Boneset.
(Retrieved July 2007)
Johnson, L.P. 2002. Pocket Guide to Herbal Remedies.
Blackwell Publishing.
Kartesz, J.K. 2007. Eupatorium
perfoliatum L. Common boneset. Plants Source &
Reference. United States Department of Agriculture. (Retrieved
July 2007)
Klenner, F.R. 1971. Observations on the dose and administration
of ascorbic acid when employed beyond the range of a vitamin in human
pathology. Journal of Applied
Nutrition. 23(3+4).
Lira-Salazar, G., E. Marines-Montiel, J. Torrest-Monzon, F.
Hernandez-Hernandez, J.S. Salas-Benito. 2006. Effects of homeopathic
medications Eupatorium perfoliatum
and Arsenicum album on
parasitemia of Plasmodium Berghi-infected
Mice. Homeopathy. 95: 223-228.
Spies, J.A. 1978. United States Patent: method and compound for
treatment of arthritic conditions in dogs. Application #964332.
Wagner, H., A. Proksch, I. Riess-Maurer, A. Vollmar, S. Odenthal, H.
Stuppner, K. Jurcic, M. Le Turdu, and J.N. Fang, J.N. 1985.
Immunostimulating action of polysaccharides (heteroglycans) from higher
plants. Arzneimittelforschung
35(7): 1069-1075.
This paper was developed as part of the BIO 368 - Medical Botany
course offered at Wilkes University during the summer of 2007. Course
instructor was Kenneth M. Klemow, Ph.D.
The information contained herein is based on published sources, and
is made available for academic purposes only. No warrantees,
expressed or implied, are made about the medical usefulness or
dangers associated with the plant species in question.
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This page posted and maintained by Kenneth M.
Klemow, Ph.D., Biology Department,
Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre,
PA 18766. (570) 408-4758,